Our Board and Membership
Board of Directors
The Legal Clinic has 10 Board members representing Grey and Bruce Counties. They are elected at the Annual General Meeting for 2 year terms. Board members are volunteers and are not paid.
Why become a member?
- you can attend the Annual General Meeting of the Clinic once per year
- you can vote on By-law changes
- if you are not an active client at the Clinic, you could be elected to the Board of Directors
- you can vote for members to become Directors.
Who can become a member?
Any person sixteen (16) years of age or older, who lives or works within Grey or Bruce Counties may be a member of the Clinic. A member will cease to be a member when he/she no longer lives or works within Grey and Bruce Counties.
How do I become a member?
An annual membership form is required to be completed by all members of the Clinic and submitted no later than the date of the Annual General Meeting. If you are interested, please call us.