
How We Can Help

We provide free legal services for low income residents of Grey and Bruce County

Visit our contact page to get in touch with us for help or see our satellite locations.

Our office is located in the “Centre Suites” on 3rd Avenue East, Suite #2, next to the main post office in Owen Sound. You can access our office directly from the parking lot. Look for our red sign in the window.

Information, Summary Advice and Referrals:

If you live anywhere in Grey or Bruce you can contact us at 519-370-2200 or toll free in Grey and Bruce County at 1-877-832-1435 to set up an initial appointment with one of our caseworkers. Our hours of business are:

8:30 am until 4:00 pm Monday – Thursday (We close between 12 noon and 1pm for lunch)

1:00 pm until 4:00 pm Friday (We are closed on Friday mornings to the public for staff meetings / case reviews)


  1. You must live in Grey or Bruce County.
  2. You must meet our financial guidelines (those on Ontario Works or Ontario Disability automatically meet the guidelines) and
  3. Your problem must be a “clinic law” problem and met our case criteria selection.

“Clinic law” means areas of law which particularly affect low-income people such as social assistance (Ontario Works and Ontario Disability), rental housing and many government programs such as Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance. In these areas of law, we may be able to act for you in court or before a board or tribunal. We may also be able to assist you in representing yourself.

Other Services:

The Legal Clinic also participates in Public Legal Education providing presentations on areas of “clinic law” to specific groups or to the general public. In addition we have a wide assortment of free written legal information available in the waiting area of our office. We also provide a number of Brief Services such as distributing forms and commissioning and notarizing documents related to “clinic law” matters.

The Clinic is also involved in Community Development and Law Reform activities which relate to our clients’ needs.

Tenant Duty Counsel

A Clinic lawyer attends all Landlord and Tenant Board Tribunal video hearings scheduled for Grey and Bruce Counties to provide free Duty Counsel services to tenants. If you are a tenant and have a Landlord and Tenant Board hearing scheduled, it is best to call the clinic in advance of your hearing so that we can provide you with advice and help prepare you for your hearing.